The night started off with Greg making a token appearance
for one hours worth of work. Apparently going to a office party and
playing work politics is more important than working on the
"17"! HAHA.
Now that I got a dig in on Greg I will be serious. Since I am tired
tonight, and we did this all before on the Port inner wing panel, I am
only going to list what was done without going into detail. BTW
pictures will still follow the report as usual. The last picture was
taken to show how much dihedral this bird has. On the second
picture, take note to the pics on the wall. The glue bottles setting
on top is how much CA glue we have gone thru so far. Now for the no
frills report:
1. Fit outer wing tube into starboard inner panel.
2. Correct rear most spar cutout in rib 4.
3. Install starboard rearmost spar.
4. Glue in nose ribs 2 & 3.
5. Glue everything connected to ribs 1 thru 4 and dihedral braces.
6. Install filler blocks between spars and dihedral braces.
7. Install 1/16" ply shear webs to front and center spar from ribs 4
thru 14
8. Install top starboard rearmost sheet of sheeting.
Gary Himes
I know this web site is getting hits world wide, so excuse
me while I explain. We live and are building this project in Kansas
City, Missouri, USA.
This past Sunday at least 3 major tornado's touched down in the Greater
Kansas City Area. GRG Associates has elected to help our good friend
Leland Bradshaw instead of building on the project.
If this name sounds familiar to you, it is because he is one of the people
who built our tail wheel retracts. One of the tornados hit across the
road from Leland's house. The house across the road simply does not
exist anymore, without a trace. Leland has a tree on his house, a
truss through his roof and other assorted damage plus lots of tree damage.
Check back next week and hopefully we will be working on the project, but
for now we are helping a friend in need.
-- Gary Himes