Week 36  -  30 July 2003

No work was done as Gary was on Vacation and out of town, also he refused to give his buddys a key to the house!
-- Gary Himes

Week 37     -     6 August 2003

Tonight a big step was taken although very little visual work got accomplished.  The short version would be that we drilled four holes and installed 2 dowel rods.  The big step is the wing is now doweled to the fuse at the front. 

First step of this process was to tape the 1/32' X 2" plywood strips to the wing in the appropriate position.  These strips will become the wing seat when all said and done, also the strip will support/become a part of the wing fillets.  Next we set the fuse on the wing and do all the measuring , trimming and squaring of the wing to fuse fit.  From the front of the fuse using a long 1/16" drill bit on an extension to drill a pilot hole into the fuse.  Now remove wing and drill the fuse using the pilot holes with a 3/8" drill bit.  Now install back on wing and do all the measuring all over again.  To mark the holes in the leading edge of the wing, we turned a drill bid backwards (end for end), and applied a small amount of paint.  This we put into the fuse holes to mark the leading edge of the wing..  Now drill the wing and install the 3/8"
dowels into the wing.  Now we over drilled the fuse holes by 1/64". Then we installed the fuse onto the wing and  checked all the measurements again and found out we are within 1/32" of being perfect.

This all sounds simple enough, however, it took us 9 total man-hours to accomplish this.  Although this seems excessive, we figure right now we are building the flying characteristics into the aircraft and is time well spent.
-- Gary Himes

For  information on becoming an official Day Dream Believer project sponsor contact Gary Himes.

Day Dream Believer