Week 52 - 19 November 2003

Week 52     -     19 November 2003

First I will give the nights report then I will give the year end figures.

Rick worked on the port wing fillet some more then started the starboard wing fillet. He also worked on the top hump some more.  If you jump ahead and look at the second picture you can see the patch he added, located just forward of half  way.  This area was con-caved (sucked in).  We don't know if plans were wrong or the kit cutter goofed.  We checked and  the formers were in their correct locations. 

Greg & Gary worked on the horizontal stab and the elevators.  The delrin hinge plates were located and mounted into location.  This can be seen in the first picture.  Once that was done,  we finished sheeting the horizontal stab.  Inboard on the elevators we added the new former as discussed last week and sanded the existing former away.  We now have enough clearance against the fuse for the elevators to work properly.  The horizontal stab /elevator assembly can be seen in the last picture.

We called it a night and started cleaning the shop and tried to install the horizontal into the fuse for pictures like in the past.  Oops, it don't fit.  The reason is the sheeting we added.  Our previous cutout
did not allow for the sheeting.  We will rectify that next week.


Amount of Ca Glue used------23 oz  (14 oz thin & 9oz thick)
Total man-hours spent---------393 hours
Total money actually spent-----$1,278.67 US Dollars

Major Contributions:----Dale Beck & Leland Bradshaw----Hand built tail
wheel assembly.

Accomplishments So Far:

Every thing is framed up with the exception of  the cowls, ailerons and flaps.
The wing is built and the top totally sheeted. 
Fuse is completely built and sheeted except for a small area near starboard tail.
Rudder is completed and hinged. 
Horizontal & elevators are near ready to install into the fuse.
Motors are already purchased but still need converted.

Estimated completion Date:

In the beginning we said it would be a two year project.  I believe we are right-on on the two year thing, as there is a lot of details to be worked out and completed. Therefore November 2004 would be the
completion date, however in reality, the first flight would probably to more like March/April of 2005 when the weather in this part of the country would be better!
Gary Himes


For  information on becoming an official Day Dream Believer project sponsor contact Gary Himes.