Guess I will start off, again, by explaining the pictures.
Picture 1 has yours truly applying the first radio controlled right rudder.
I always wondered why the guys keep me in back of the camera. After seeing
the cheesy look on my face, I know why. Picture 2 shows the rudder controls
with the pull-pull cables running to the front. Picture 3 shows the tail
wheel in the retracted position. The first business of the night was
to get the rudder controls permanently mounted. Next all paths for the
pull-pull cables were routed out. Once that was proved the permanently
pull-pull cable was run and crimped into position. Now the tail wheel was
put in position and we discussed how to control it. We quickly decided to
control it from the rear rudder control. A quick pull-pull cables were made
and a test spring installed. It worked good but we think we need stiffer
springs and will probably will replace the pull-pull cable with carbon fiber
push rods.
This was all much quicker to describe than to do. And yes it
seems slow. But we are ending up with very solid controls which are not
visible outside the aircraft.
-- Gary Himes |