Week 81 - 9 June 2004
First business tonight was to build the other aileron. Next
we sheeted both ailerons on the topside to seal them up. Next we
installed the wing tips. This is where we found out the blocks
are not thick enough for the wing. We used them anyway and
installed a scab piece to the top where the block was shy. This will also
have to be done to the bottom side, however, it is not sheeted yet. We also
rough planned the top side of the block to match the wing contour.
Now, how are we going to hinge the ailerons? We had already
decided to use the Hobby Lobby actuators, so we sat back and planned an
attack. These actuators are sold in pairs, and we only have 2 pairs at this
time. Here is where we figured out they are left and right, therefore we
will need 2 more pairs and use all the lefts in the port panel and all the
rights on the starboard panel. To drive them we plan on threading ball links
on the actuators then bolting the ball links to a flat carbon fiber rod. The
servo will attach to the carbon fiber rod also.
With plan in place we cut the slots in the trailing edge of
the wing to accept the actuators. Next we installed basswood between the
necessary ribs to bolt the actuators to. The ailerons look like the stick
out the back of the wing further than we expected, so we installed one panel
to the wing center section, then held the flap and aileron in place. Looks
good in the big picture. This proves to us however, we need to move our
concern to mounting the flaps first, then install the ailerons.