WEEK 11 - 5 Feb 2003

As you know, we didn't work last week because of the death of our Friend Leo Hylton.

We did work on Saturday.  We got one side of the horizontal stab finished and sheeted.  We also installed fuse sheeting enough to pull from board next session.  Also preliminary cuts were made in the fuse for the stab and wing area.

First order of business tonight was to make the cradle for the fuse.  With that done we unpined the fuse and removed the stilts.  Out doors we go to take pics while daylight is still here.  Next to the scales we go, fuse only weights in at 4-1/2 pounds at the start of the night.  Next we unpin the horizontal stab and hold up to fuse for yet another pic.  One more picture down the throat of the fuse.  Now we are ready for some real work tonight.  Greg blocks up the horizontal stab to the building table and starts building the other side to it.  Meanwhile Rick & Gary add 3 more sheets to the fuse.  First is port side top in front of the vertical fin.  The other two were on the nose at the top, both port & starboard sides.

We took pictures of both port and starboard side of fuse and called it a night.  For the last two pictures we turned the cradle up side down so you can see the fuse better with out cradle blocking  the view.  If you look real close at the last picture, you will see glue bottles on top of a picture frame, these are empties used so far in the project.  With the visual progress made tonight there was a happy atmosphere.  Now for a running time tally............113-1/2 hours spend on project to date. -- Gary Himes

Week 12 - 12 Feb 2003
Tonight's building was not particularly exciting.  Greg jumped in and worked on the horizontal stab again tonight.  He got all the ribs installed on the 2nd side and ready to sheet 2nd side.
Meanwhile Rick & Gary install all the sheeting (3 sheets) on port side bottom from nose to tail next to crutch.  These were left out because of the stilts we had attached,  so we could pin to the building board while we built the starboard side of the fuse. 
All the sheeting is done to the fuse for now.  Starboard side top rear around the horizontal is not sheeted yet to allow for the installation of the horizontal stab.  Both port & starboard side in the wing area is not sheeted, this is to allow for the cutting out of the belly pan and wing area.  The box area in top of the fuse is not yet sheeted also.   All of the construction pics I can find, do not sheet this area till last. I could not figure out why this is so.  After looking ahead and talking it over we feel that the box area is not sheeted till after the wing is installed.  This will allow us to look in and work when fitting the wing.  -- Gary Himes

For additional information on becoming an official Day Dream Believer project sponsor contact Gary Himes.