Week 125 - 6 April 2005

Construction Crew still on vacation.........

Week 126 - 13 April 2005
Well back to work on the project tonight. I have had some concern that we are having problems with the project. There is nothing further from the truth. We are committed on finishing this project, only we no longer have a specific time table and that seems to bother some of you.   So just bear with us, the project will get done, although, we will have even grayer hair! Enough defense, now the offense.

We worked exclusively on the belly pan and and the wing fillets. Being a while since we worked, we had to get our head on straight as where we were. Check of the plans and a quick look of our pictures from full scale and we were ready to work. Most all the work on the fillets were on the starboard side.

The front finally starts to take shape. A little more rough shaping and sanding and we call it good, Meanwhile the rear block is getting rough shaped and looking good, It is now decided to cut the port rear block to match the starboard before too much shaping happens. The rear blocks are left way oversize and will be shaped better next week.

-- Gary Himes


Week 127 - 20 april 2005

Murphy raired his ugly head once again. I did not go to work today as my throat felt like sand paper, and it felt like some one was pouring ice over me. I Called Greg & Rick, both said no way they were coming into my house tonight.. Sorry, and check back next week!

-- Gary Himes

Note! The web updates were a bit behind as Randy took the week off too.

Week 128 - 27 April 2005

As fate has it, we did not work again tonight, Greg is In Iowa helping his parents while Rick realized it was his Wedding Anniversary. Sorry to those who are anxious to see progress but hence is life.

-- Gary Himes

For  information on becoming an official Day Dream Believer project sponsor contact Gary Himes.