Week 143 - 3 August 2005

I called work off again last night.  Since I was on vacation last week, upon my return work had lots of "fires" that needed my attention.  I have been working extend hours to get caught back up .  We will work next week, I Promise.
-- Gary Himes

Week 144 - 10 August 2005

Well I guess I broke my promise as we didn't work on the project tonight.

Speaking of broke, my front window ended up broken tonight so we worked and replaced it. Along with talking a little club business and catching up with each others lives the night was spent.

So all I can say is sorry, and we will try it again next week.

-- Gary

Week 145- 17 August 2005

Well we worked tonight on the project.

I am not in a talktive mood so will let the pictures tell the story.

-- Gary Himes

Week 146 - 24 August 2005

 From the feed back from last week, a few of you definitely want write ups along with the pictures.

I need to start the night off by giving a giant THANK YOU to Jeff Laven.  He has been working with us to get a good epoxy for glassing.  Once that was done he ordered the epoxy in for us at a great price, then charged us only half of the bill, paying the other half out of his own pocket.  Once again Thanks Jeff!!

The entire night was spent with the three of us installing the vents on top of the wing.  If memory serves me, these vents were for the supper charger.  This has been a big ordeal figuring out how to make the vents.  (refer back to the recent posts)  It has been worth the effort, as once installed they look scale in every way.

Because of a wing spar, the vents are slightly out of location.  The vents are pushed reward 3/8 of an inch, which in full scale terms they are 3-3/8 out of location.  So we believe that is OK.  If we had located them correctly our efforts for scale appearance were going to be wasted.

Gary Himes

Week 147 - 31 August 2005

Hope you are sitting down, as we did work tonight.

Because of personal projects, we moved the fuse to the back room so we could work on the wing. Rick stayed with the fuse and filled/sanded in preparation for the fiber glass,.

Greg and I stayed in the front room and worked on the wing. First we finished cutting vents on the leading edge of the wing. Now our attention turned to the bombay doors on the bottom side of the wing.

We cut access hole in the topside of the wing to allow us to see what we were doing. Using only a xacto knife and a wood plus a small hammer we cut and knocked the bombay doors loose. They needed minor repair, but not nothing serious. Rick sanded on the vents installed last week.

A quick clean up of the shop and we called it a night. OOps I don't have a picture of the leading edge. Sorry!

-- Gary Himes

For  information on becoming an official Day Dream Believer project sponsor contact Gary Himes.