Week 161 - 7 December 2005 |
64 years today ago B17's were being shuttled to Hawaii and had no place to land as the Japanese were attacking Pearl Harbor. As slow as we are, its a good thing we are not building planes for the war effort. At the rate we are going, the war was fought and won in less time than it is taking us to build 1 model aircraft. Guess that is all right since this s a Hobby and not a life and death issue. We did not work again tonight. The real reason is Greg has the Flu and Rick has car problems. Even if that were not the case, we still probably would have not worked because of the weather. The temp was 11 degrees F for a high with 4" of snow on the ground today and another 4" promised for tonight. Its getting that time where it may be hard to work on the project because of the Holidays, but we will wait and see. Guess I am getting my excuses in early. -- Gary Himes |
Week 162 - 14 December 2005 |
Week 163 - 21 December 2005 |
Week 164 - 28 December 2005 |
I just come to realize today that Christmas is only 1 week away from this coming Sunday. At that moment alarms and whistles started going off all around me. I need more time to get things done before Christmas. So, I called Rick and Greg. They felt the same as myself. Therefore we are going to suspend operations on the project until 4 January 2006. This decision will help all of us and allow us a little more time to spend with the family. Thank All of you guys for keeping up with the project! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone.! Talk again next year. -- Gary Himes Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all from the Cameron's (WEB update person or whatever you want to call me).... Hay, I heard that!! |
For information on becoming an official Day Dream Believer project sponsor contact Gary Himes. |