Week 268 - 2 January 2008 |
Tonight our
thought was to chose a simple task, then complete it. Haa
We have
always said the top gun turret would rotate. So lets get-er-done! First
job is to modify a servo to run continuous. Since I have a lot of
Airtronics 94102 servos laying around, we used one of them. The Mod was
really quite simple. Simply remove the gear train and cut of the stops as
shown on our instructions and put back together. It worked perfectly.
We mounted
the turret directly to the servo cross arm, then strategically tried to
mount the servo. First time we had some brain gas, so we broke the mount
out and tried again. There that’s better.
The cutout is
too small and needs expanded some. But at the sides the cutout ends below
the turret bottom. After much discussion we decided the probable solution
to do is oversize the hole then add a sleeve/collar to the opening that
would be flat at the top. We wanted to think about it some more before we
doing it, so we called it a night. Hopefully next week we can finish this
simple job. |
Week 269
- 8 January 2008 |
The top turret is done and
works very cool.
After thinking about it
all week we agreed our collar scheme was probably the best to do. During
the week I also realized the current location of the turret was a tad low.
(For you layman/laywomen a tad = approx ¼ of an inch). We choose 1/32
aircraft plywood to make the collar from and cut it 1” high. After several
fittings the collar was holding a nice round shape. So we notched the
collar for the fuse bulkhead and servo mounting rails. Every thing was
looking fairly well but it needed one more minor adjustment. Well when that
person removed the collar he broke it. Under the policy of you broke it,
you make the replacement, the guilty party proceeded to make the new
collar. When Greg was done with this chore I started to install the collar
and broke the new one. How does Mr Murphy keep getting in this house?
After I got the new part made, (again) we got just a tad smarter and soaked
the collar with ammonia water and very, very carefully installed the
collar. What a great fit! Glue that thing in place before something else
To raise the turret we
simply glued ¼” balsa on top of the existing base and painted it black.
Back to the collar, it needed just a wee bit of filler for that perfect
look. Now we primed the area and let dry. Re-sand the area and paint the
inside area olive drab and a 2nd coat of primer on the outside.
Let that dry just a little then hook up the servo tester and make the turret
move. Works perfect, spin left as much as you want then turn to the right
as far as you want. Also as fast or slow as you want……..WAY COOL……
We now all have big smiles
on our faces, so decide to call it a night again as one of the group members
have a meeting they must attend. |
Week 270 - 15 January 2008
Well tonight, I thru a fit, Rick thru a fit and Greg thru a fit………..Just kidding, but fit was the operative word of the night.
None of the access panels for the center section of the wing, had been installed since glassing. Both the wing and the access panels needed sanding before they fit once again. Also the glassing covered the screw holes in the access panels, so careful drilling was required.
We also slid the outboard wing panels on the tube to the center section. We also did some fitting here but did not get as critical as we need to be yet.
Next we spent a little time trying ideas of fitting the exhaust to our motors. But I don’t think I will go into detail on that one right now.
We then called it a night. Thanks for stopping by!
Week 272 - 30
January 2008 |
Well, I guess I owe
everyone an apology. Last week Greg called and was sick as a dog, so we
called the night off. Instead of filing the report like I should have, I
threw together a new foamy to fly indoors on the following night…….So
We did work tonight. The
outboard wing section access panels and ailerons had not been refitted since
everything was fiber glassed. We started off refitting the access panels
first. The screw holes needed re-drilled and the panels needed sanded to
fit and re-primmed. Next we started to hook up the ailerons. After a long
search we finally found the mounting screws. At this point we realized we
didn’t have any of the 2mm aircraft nuts which we wanted to use on the
linkages. So that has to be put on hold till we get some ordered in or
picked up.
We went ahead and started
to mount the aileron hinges with the servo screws and found the wood was
stripped a few places. To fix this out we drilled the holes larger to
accept ¼” long pieces of inner ny-rod. This is an old trick which works
well. You are making plastic threads plus as the screw is inserted, the
tubing expands to a tight locked fit
Through out the night we
were priming and painting bare wood as necessary. The elevators and rudder
were looking a little lonely lying on the table all by themselves so we put
them on the aircraft for a different look. We must have forgotten to sand
off the bottom of the rudder. It drags on the tail gunner’s roof and will
need to be addressed latter. Once again we called an early night. |
Week 275
- 19 February 2008 |
Well once
again I must start off the report with an apology. Week 273 Greg could not
make our new Tuesday build night and selfishly I would not work Wednesday
night as I wanted to fly indoors. Then Week 274 rolls around and I am sick
as a dog with severe sinus infection and called the night off again. (Seems
to be too common….sorry).
We started
the night with Greg assembling the ailerons and access doors on both wings.
Rick and myself mocked up an exhaust stack which now needs to be welded
together. The pictures were taken after the guys left, there fore you can
not see the angle bracket which will go back to the motor mount and
secure/support the exhaust.
Next all
three of us turned to the bomb bay doors. After much discussion it was left
up to me to do some mechanical layouts of the good ole computer to
prove/disprove a couple of our ideas.
Lastly we
turned to the cowls. Our cowls are actually 2 pieces. One is the actual
cowl and the second is really a nacelle extension because our large gas
motors are set too far reward. We have 1 extra set of cowls both inner and
outer. So se did some rough fitting of the inner cowl before calling it a
night. Next build night will probably start with us starting to glass the
cowls. |
Week 276
- 26 February 2008 |
We got just a little of a late
start as I had a Dr. Appointment, and it went long like they always seem
Rick got our sample exhaust
stack welded and it looks great. We had no problem mounting, beyond having
to add a few spacer washers. Anyhow it works great.
Next we put our first fiberglass
coat on the 8 nacelle/cowl pieces. Once this was done we had stunk up the
basement so we called it a night.
Side note, next week build night
will be on Wednesday due to Mr. Golden’s request. |
Week 277 5
March 2008 |
Tonight not much got
accomplished. The epoxy we used for the fiber glassing last week was not
cured yet. I talked to our contact during the week about this. Jeff
thought if we baked/heated the parts they would dry. A little time with the
heat gun showed no significant change. We made the decision to use an
un-opened batch of epoxy and try it again, as we have nothing to lose at
this point. When starting to mix the epoxy I figured out that last week
we/I probably mixed the epoxy backwards. The stuff we are using mixes at a
3 to 1 rate. We mixed a small test batch correctly and sat around talking
watching epoxy dry. We now decided to get back with Jeff and recheck our
options before we go further. This epoxy takes 24 hours to cure and we
wanted to make sure everything is correct. We sure don’t want to make back
to back mistakes.
Greg had picked up more aluminum
pipe for the exhaust. We cut into sections for the welder to weld the first
step of the exhaust assembly.
I had a medical procedure last
week and am still a little run down, so I welcomed the early quit time
tonight. Sorry for the lack of pictures tonight, just nothing to take
pictures of. |
279 18 March 2008 |
Well here I go again! Last week
Greg was on vacation with his wife. Rick and I had decided to work anyway,
but Ricks wife had to work late. Therefore, Rick had to take up the
responsibility of being Dance Dad.
Today at work I realized that we
had not yet re-chartered our flying club with AMA this year. (Rick and I
are both club officers) We are about out of time, so while Greg worked on
the plane, Rick and I did the paperwork for the club.
What Greg got accomplished, was
putting on the 2nd coat of fiberglass on our cowls and nacelle
extensions. Since this is boring and not changing anything visually, we did
not take pictures again tonight. Sorry! |
280 25 March 2008 |
Hope everyone is sitting down,
as we did work on the project tonight.
The bad news is sometimes in
life we just have to back up and start all over again. Well that is what is
happing to our nacelle extensions and engine cowls. As you recall, we (I)
mixed the first batch of epoxy wrong, and it never dried. Then we did the
second coat and thought it might heal our sins. WRONG………We initially
started of sand and eliminate the cloth bubbles when we realized the first
coat was not attached to the plastic. So we slammed on the brakes, and
after a brief discussion, started to strip off all the glass work to this
point. This was a big chore then the plastic was cleaned with alcohol in
preparation to re-use our plastic molds.
We also epoxied a donut looking
ring to the inside of the nacelle extensions. This is in preparation for
the future engine cowl mounting blocks. Once this was done we were a little
low and called it a night. |
Week 281 2
April 2008 |
The spring like Warmth and
Sunshine made us not too excited to sit indoors and work on the project.
So Guess what????????????
We didn’t work on
Instead we enjoyed a boy’s night
Oh well, may be next week. |
Week 284
22 April 2008 |
Well once again we didn’t work
the last couple of weeks. We have our excuses but I am sure you are tired
of hearing them!
Since we messed up the cowls and
nacelle extensions the first time, we are doing things differently this
time. We cut out the center openings of both the nacelle extensions and the
cowls. After the cutouts were made and sanded, we realized the forms were
still quite unclean and nasty. So we got out the sandpaper and alcohol (to
wash the parts in…..not to drink) and proceeded to work. This took most of
the night, so here we stand.
I guess there are several
lessons to be learned here.
Do it right the first time.
(make sure you know the proper epoxy mix)
Don’t continue so long until you
decide to properly correct the mistake.
Any how, the forms are not
really spotlessly clean. Next meeting will start the glassing process
again! (Notice I did not say next week (you just never know about us)).
The weather is getting nice
again, so go fly until next time. |
Week 285
30 April 2008 |
We did work again tonight, at
least 2 of us showed up. Seems Greg was AWOL, however he did call in, using
lots of 4 letter words (WORK). I told him not to use that kind of language
over my phone. Hahaha
Rick and I did glass the first
coat (layer) of fiberglass over the nacelle extensions and the cowls.
We did not take any pictures
tonight….Sorry! |
Week 287
14 May 2008 |
We worked
again tonight. First job was to sand all the cowls and nacelle extensions.
When done we applied layer 2 of fiberglass cloth. I know this is short and
sweet, but how many ways can you expand on these procedures. |
Week 289 - 28
May 2008 |
Well as you have guessed by now
we did not work last week.
We were back on target and
worked tonight. No pictures however, I just didn’t see the need to show
pictures of the same thing week after week. We sanded the nacelle
extensions and cowls then applied layer 3 of glass cloth.
Our buddy Dale Beck came down
and chewed the fat with us tonight. He reinforced our thinking on the
glassing of the cowls. He also gave us different slant/ideas on our carb
linkage problem. After that we said our good bye’s and parted ways for yet
another week. |
If you want to be part of the Day Dream
Believer Project, PayPal donations are graciously accepted. |